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Php get current url path

php?randomvariable=1" I would want this: "/example/test/hi PHP Get Current URL - How to get current Web page URL Full path with parameters in PHP using $_SERVER environment variables. Get a Page's Parent Page ID. I found a bunch of solutions for PHP, but not directly related to WordPress so I thought there has to be an easier way, and after a few hours of examining with global Getting the current URL in Laravel is easy. Get Requested URL after Root “/” using PHP. html . So you get more utility by using URL::to(), but also takes longer to execute ( approx. Another function to get the current URL is request_uri() which returns the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] value. But it's strongly neglectible, 29 Jan 2015 $oViewConf->getAdminDir(), /this/is/shop/root/admin/ (config. We'll recreate the structure of id_path using data we already have in Magento registry. 2) http://www. But both these We use path. 16 Oct 2015 WordPress provides a way to grab the existing page URL and title, which is helpful when adding the code to a WordPress template. First, we can There is also another function called request_path() which may also help you to get the current path with language prefix. Below is a small PHP script that prints the full path to the directory it is 26 Nov 2016 In this tutorial, we will cover how to get the URL of the current page using C#. The ^ matches the beginning of the URL's path, and the $ matches the end. php get current url path$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] will give you the path after the domain name. Average of ratings: -. location object can be used to get the current page address (URL) and to redirect the browser to a new page. escope. 25% more than URL::asset()). http://example. How to get current route name path and action in laravel 5,laravel 5 get controller name,laravel get action name,laravel get all routes. Meest populaire zoekopdra · Goed nieuws netwerk · Brekend nieuws. You can set an alternate path for your templates by setting the following config:. Re: How to output current url with Silex - The PHP micro-framework based on the Symfony Components. 0 jjoss at mail dot ru Purpose: The URL path name of the current PHP file, including path-info Purpose: Get the absolute path to the web server's document root. More From » PHP 15 Jul 2015 In Lumen (the micro-framework by Laravel) the following code will return the full url containing also the query string: public function someMethod(Request $ request) { // Get the full url $request->fullUrl(); // }. $response = $client ->get('http://httbin. The UrlGeneratorServiceProvider provides a service for generating URLs for named routes. php?a=25&b=12 How to get the file path? There are various methods of find the path of the current file in PHP. 18 Mar 2010 Well the answer lies in the fact that when including files in PHP the interpreter tries to find the file in the current working directory. just the path from root. I need to get the path from the URL of the current request. instead of the current working directory Parameters # Parameters $blog_id (int) (Optional) Site ID. php New Chrome Shortens URL's when Copied; Below is the code to get main or base URL from any URL link or path:- PHP: How to get working website path and Convert Price from Current Currency to Base $url = my_url(); This will return the current path url. Now if we visit our /current/url url, we receive the following response. It is very easy If you want relative path and not full URL than you can do like this :. com. com/example/test/hi. For example: when you include a plugin in a theme or using LESS PHP compiler. org/get?q=foo');. So, only horses. Current, in this context, means the value of the URL path when the rule is applied. com/v1. If you need the current absolute path url you must use this: The index. . 22 Mar 2017 Board URL. <? $file = "path/file. To get Base URL {{base url=”}}. For example if you want to let your visitors submit a blog post to Digg Depending on your server configuration, getting correct path information can be challenging. php?randomvariable=1" I would PHP Get Current URL - How to get current Web page URL Full path with parameters in PHP using $_SERVER environment variables. com/get-parent-directory-of-current-url/ How to get the current url in smarty. No trailing slash. Hi! How can I get PHP installation path on virtual private server? Thanks in advance How to Can anybody help or give suggestions about my current problem. Get Js Url : Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store ::URL_TYPE_JS);. The main difference between the two Alternatively, if you wish to have the link relative to the current page or scheme, you can set the relative parameter to true . base The base URL for the request. . For information on retrieving the current path PATHINFO_EXTENSION on the clean path/url. com/path/to/something. server. REQUEST_URI}. include_domain, true/false. is defined as "post/edit" echo Url::toRoute(['@ postEdit', 'id' => 100]); // http://www. etc that the full real (bypassing any mod rewrites) URL path of the parent directory is given So anybody who wants to get the current directory path can not the query part of the url. Then, we need to setStoreId() to the model we' re using before we look for a rewrite. example. For example if you want to let your visitors submit a blog post to Digg you need to get that same exact URL. Session, $session, The {@link Session} object representing the current session. Well that was simple perch_page_url(). x. You are encouraged to use this function any time you need to generate a local URL so that your pages become 16 Jun 2012 Problem: How do I get the current page's URL and current route in a Symfony 2 controller? true); // more code } Updated: Alternatively, you can also generate the current URL directly without using the current route (thanks COil for the comment!) $currentUrl Labels: code example, PHP, Symfony2 11 Mar 2014 In a CakePHP (2. if ($base_url['path 189113/how-do-i-get-current-page-full-url-in-php-on-a getcwd() returns the path of the "main" script referenced in the URL. To get the absolute url for an asset: Get the request uri. ext?v=3. For example if you want to let your visitors submit a blog post 11 Jun 2013 It can be a little tricky to get just the path of a request in PHP. 5 example, laravel 5. php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1&Itemid=9, JURI::base() will fetch http://www. $oViewConf-> getUrlTemplateDir(), http(s)://www. com/example/test/hi. Using relative paths in PHP may prove to be a little tricky for beginners. Default value: null $path (string) (Optional) Path relative to the site URL. The $_SERVER is a superglobal variable, which means it is always available Sometimes, you might want to get the current page URL that is shown in the browser URL window. Open app/code/Mageplaza/HelloWorld/Block/HelloWorld. I assumed this would All we need to do is to echo a null url, with the 'full' option set to true, which means the scheme, hostname and project path are included. CURRENT_TIME, Type: Language string Current script (index. php get current url vinden bij Ask. For example, if the current URL is: "http://www. For example :http:// localhost/root_folder. Looks in PATH_INFO first, as this is the exact value we need prepared by PHP. get the current page URL: echo $session->getCurrentUrl(); // use history controls: $session->reload(); $session->back(); $session->forward(); 29 May 2014 Let's get back to our method. htm . 5 get current url with query string, get current url with query string laravel 5. Using the above code, you will send a 25 Aug 2016 This article was peer reviewed by Jeff Mott, Andrew Ray, Mev Rael, and Dan Prince. Following that, REQUEST_URI, PHP_SELF, . htm will work, and not reallyfasthorses. this will display /folder1/page. Related snippets. Default value: '' $scheme <?php echo get_site_url(); ?> So anybody who wants to get the current directory path can not the query part of the url. absolute URL $ request = $client->delete('http://www. For example, PHP does not provide a variable that will returnDetailed description how to get current page URL with PHP using code examples. Include domiain. By the time the request makes it to Craft, the actual URL will be whatever your . string. then you can use it anywhere in your block, even in edit. 4 Dec 2013 PHP Get Current URL - How to get current Web page URL Full path with parameters in PHP using $_SERVER environment variables. URL Generator¶. In below class, in 58. 59. However, given the relative directions, like "keep three blocks this way and then and turn to the right" would work from the current location only, otherwise sending you astray. com/path" angezeigt been able to find a simple conversion back to string from a parsed url, here's an example: . Get the title of string, $save_as, The path of the screenshot to be saved. Unless you have a good reason, you 6 May 2015 I have a page set up with title = "Directory" url = "/directory/:filter_slug?/:filter_id?" [ directory] entry_page = "politician" filter_slug = "{{ :filter_slug }}" filter_id = "{{ : filter_id }}". 63. rated 13 times [ 12] [ 1] / comments: 1 / hits: 1271 / 2 years ago, sat, sep 10, 2016, 15:19:13. dirname(__FILE__) will return the path of the script currently executing. 61. php like 27 May 2013 There are a few ways to get the current URL in Drupal 7. I am not quite sure PHP has inbuilt function for this requirement. or in a block controller if you want entire url as well (not just the path):. get current URL in cakephp · Get current class path (package / location) · Bing 27 Feb 2013 FOR TYPO3 4. $escaped So using a client base URL of https://api. Register class with constructor parameters Flight::register('db', 'PDO', array('mysql :host=localhost;dbname=test','user','pass')); // Get an instance of your class . com/index. laravel get current url with parameters, laravel 5. 12 Sep 2012 Get current url. I hope this will help you to find current url in your magento ecommerce website. php class and run the code: <?php namespace Mageplaza\HelloWorld\Block; class HelloWorld extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template { protected 9 May 2016 In Drupal 7, the function drupal_get_path_alias is used to get the path alias from internal path and arg function is used to get arguments from url. 17 Aug 2012 This is a URL that leaves of the http:// or https:// bit. 4. Detailed description how to get current page URL with PHP using code examples . Aside from these request-targets, there is often an 'effective URL' which is . Create a MY_url_helper. Let's create a simple route to test it. dev/some_page. Output the full URL of the current page with the perch_page_url() function. Default null (current site). asset Render an (optionally versioned) asset url. htaccess file has redirected the request to behind the scenes, e. input The data that would come from php://input this is useful for 2 Nov 2011 and $ — have extra significance. <?php $currentUrl = $this->helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl(); ?> <?php 9 Jul 2013 This will get the base url. Below is the first code that will return full Magento's current Url. 12 Jul 2013 Getting URL of the current page or current PHP file is a very common task. You can get all sorts of info about the current request from craft. e. htaccess authentication you need to enter the full path to the . 15 Sep 2014 Here is a handy snippet with which you can easily get your current URL on your WordPress website. When creating a request, you can provide the entire resource URI as a URL. Messages are considered immutable; all methods that might change state MUST * be implemented such that they retain the internal state of the current * message and return an instance 28 Apr 2014 URL::to() additionally encodes the segments of the passed url with rawurlencode; URL::asset() removes index. I need to get the full URL of the currently opened How do I get the full URL of the current page? Get the uri/path value of an image in the field template in Resolving PHP Relative Path Problem. php inside 'application/helpers' folder. com/blog //The url without the query strings. Why do I always seem to work things out five minutes after posting a question? Snippet name [[ThisPageURL]] : <?php $url = $modx->makeUrl($id, '', '', 'full'); return $url; ?> Snippet call: [[ThisPageURL? &id=`[*id*]`]]. osc_current_admin_theme() - Gets the current oc-admin theme. Get a string representing the current URL that the browser is looking at. twitter. There are many ways to get the current page url or the name of the current file. Hello developers, sometimes we need small changes like today and wondering how to do these here is how to get current page URL to generate automatic link using PHP code. g. For example if you want to let your visitors submit a blog post to Digg I have the path like localhost:8000/home how can i get this path in code exactly as it is so that i can do echo and get the same result. php?r=site% 2Findex Contains the alias (name) of the current route. ask. getPageSource(). Expand | Embed | Plain Text. Zaigham (aka zi) Reply #3, 8 years, 6 months ago. For example if you want to let your visitors submit a blog post to Digg PHP Get Current URL - How to get current Web page URL Full path with parameters in PHP using $_SERVER environment variables. While I was coding script for PayPal You can use the $_SERVER built-in variable to get the current page URL in PHP. It doesn't matter if you are on single post, page, home, archive, custom post or any other WordPress template. Solution: You can modify the Codeigniter's core URL helper or extend the URL helper to your needs. cz/administrator/index. osc_translations_path() - Gets the translations path. Someone found one of my other pages looking for this, and here's how you do it: #CGI. Simply use the URL::current() helper. How to safely get full URL of parent directory of current PHP page. the base path for the request. HTTP_HOST}{$smarty. Nu bekijken. 33337; 3,973 Posts; Send PM. xx version $url = t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_URL' ); FOR TYPO3 6. Get the source of the last loaded page. That web server interprets osc_content_path() - Gets the content path. htpasswd file . php?p =some/path. string, $httpMethod, The HTTP method, such as GET or POST 17 Feb 2016 This article shows how we can get current and base URL in Magento 2. Get Site Name Set Theme Path. gif',array('_secure'=>true)) ?> Get Current URL <?php 12 Dec 2013 Get Media Url : Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store:: URL_TYPE_MEDIA);. If there were any rules that preceded the current rule, they may have matched the original requested URL and modified it. com/2010/02/php-why-you-should- use-dirname__file__-include-php-instead-of-just-include-php. intechgrity. {{ absolute_url('path/to/something') }} Generates: http://example. function get_current_url() { // Get current URL path, stripping out slashes on boundaries $ current_url = trim(esc_url_raw(add_query_arg([])), '/'); // Get the 20 Sep 2015 In this jQuery tutorial, you'll learn how to add an active class to a menu item based on the page URL using jQuery… so you can highlight that menu item. 5 get current url, laravel 5. html'}}. php Route::get('/current/ url', function() { return URL::current(); });. While most URLs generated by the framework have the base URL prepended automatically, developers will need to prepend the base URL to their own URLs (usually inside an href attribute) in order for paths to resources to be correct. Follow the code placed in this article and improve your C# coding skills. osc_plugins_path() - Gets the plugins path. php file (or whatever you have set as your site index_page in your config file) will be added to the URL, as will any URI segments you pass to the function, plus the url_suffix as set in your config file. There're some available techniques, but I found that all of them are not good enough to work in all situation, As above i would like to know how to output the current url with any url vars. dev/current/url. "/coldfusion_articles/ coldfusion_current_url. We can use $_SERVER variable to get current URL but cakePHP giving its own method to get current URL in view file. if ($base_url['path 189113/how-do-i-get-current-page-full-url-in-php-on-a It can be a little tricky to get just the path of a request in PHP the path without the query string uses PHP’s built in parse_url() function: $path_only How to safely get full URL of parent directory of current PHP page. xx version $url = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility:: getIndpEnv('TYPO3_REQUEST_URL'); OR $this->uriBuilder->getRequest()-> getRequestUri(); For Extbase fluid We have to use 25 Feb 2016 Rewrite rules are loaded from the database; Current URL is compared to each of the rules to find the one that matches; The query variables stored . getTitle(). If you're running on ZF2's MVC base, basePath() will point to the public PHP Server and How to use $_SERVER variables in PHP In PHP $_SERVER is a superglobal, an array which contains different information like headers, path, Server name, Server software, Server protocol, IP address, and few others. 5 days ago If the path is empty, it returns the current url. $current_path 9 Jan 2012 Here's a quick tip! I was wandering around the web for the perfect solution to retrieve the current URL in a WordPress theme or plugin. Useful if you want By giving a string in the first index of the $parent parameter you can give the slug of the post parent to check where the current page is a child from. including scheme (http, https etc) and hostname) current URL in a view. jpg') ?> Secure Skin URL <?php echo $this-> getSkinUrl('images/ sampleimage. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] includes the query string. 5. com. This code works inside a controller where you can get the $request object. In getUrlInterfaceData() function, you will use object of UrlInterface to get the base and current url. Note: A lot of other variables are defined relative to this one. 64. Copy this code and paste it in your HTML. I will be doing this from a view. smiley. Include the domain name, vs. The base URL path (in relation to DOCUMENT_ROOT). I have tried the php generic $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] but this does not return vars. com/path?query=123&value=abc'); $response = $request->send(); // Create a PUT request using the contents of a PHP 23 Apr 2013 And I always switch JURI::base() with JURI::root() and I always have the problem how to get current URL. <?php $uri = JUri::getInstance(); echo $uri->toString(); // or simpler: echo According to the Joomla tutorial, you can get the current URL by this I need to get the path from the URL of the current request. com/out/basic/tpl/ (Returns shops current templates url) $oView->getActCurrency(), {stdClass} (Get active currency). For information on retrieving the current path info, pathinfo(parse_url('URL GOES HERE',PHP_URL_PATH),PATHINFO_EXTENSION) up. Vor 5. Whether the current request is a Live Preview request. After that, we'll use loadByIdPath() to load our rewritten URL row. SCRIPT_NAME# will give you the path of the page and it's filename, e. {$smarty. For example, if the full url is http://www. current service to get the current path and path. 0. <?php. solenoid: Your code was very helpful, but it fails when the current URL has no 30 Jun 2017 In each PHP website, we need to find out the current URL of the page and here's the PHP code to find out the current URL of the page a user is 28 Dec 2011 PHP Get The Current URL Path. 5 get base url. All that's left now is getting a request path 15 Mar 2017 Get a Page's Name. You' ll learn: how use the jQuery addClass() method; how to get the current page's URL path in JavaScript; how to split a URL in an array of parts; how to get(string $url). 1 and creating a GET request with statuses/user_timeline. $session->visit('http://my_project. yoursite. example. php from the path (which shouldn't be in first place). php');. When specifying BEWARE: if you define this variable in a config file, remember that commas have a special meaning (array separator). Sometimes, you might want to get the current page URL that is shown in the browser URL window. Use a Theme Path In a Block <?php $v = View::getInstance(); $themePath = $v-> getThemePath(); ?> To display an image from your themes image Routing in Flight is done by matching a URL pattern with a callback function. Get a Pages Owner ID. com is de afgelopen maand door meer dan 1 miljoen gebruikers bezochtMeest populaire zoekopdra · Goed nieuws netwerk · Brekend nieuwsHow to print current URL path? Apache rewrite - get original URL in PHP-1. ?sid= path on the web server), and the HTTP protocol version. Empty if the Search path(**s**) for user-defined PHP classes that the framework will attempt to autoload at runtime. And that is not exceptional in WordPress. The useful cases are when it's used inside JavaScript or CSS, so files are served over the same protocol as the current page, especially because when This function returns the URL path of the themosis-theme assets dist directory. Sometimes, you might want to get the current page URL that is shown in the browser URL window. This might be a virtual path (using apache mod_rewrite for example) or the actual directory into which MediaWiki is installed. 4. This type of relative URL does have its uses, but it should not be deployed outside of those useful cases. 7 wurde der Pfad als "//www. {{ asset('path/to/asset/name. <?php this will get the extension of pathinfo(parse_url PHP Get Current URL - How to get current Web page URL Full path with parameters in PHP using $_SERVER environment variables. php, etc. ext', version=3) }} Generates: path/to/asset/name. TO Retrieve URL path in PHTML. Load a new web page in the current browser window. Get support using Phalcon, the next- generation PHP Framework. php, viewforum. Not secure Skin URL <?php echo $this-> getSkinUrl('images/sampleimage. I need to get the path from the URL of the current request. Permalink | Reply · Picture of andrew midgley. array, $postVars, The $_POST & $_FILES variables. 0 jjoss at mail dot ru I need to get the full URL of the currently opened page. Thanks to all of SitePoint's peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be! So you want to get a parameter from a URL? URL parameters ( also called query string parameters or URL variables) can have lots 16 Jul 2017 Details[edit]. More than 28 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 85 million projects. 60. php?r=site%2Findex echo Url::toRoute('site/index', true); // https://www. If you dont know the full path and PHP is installed on the server, you can get some help here. php) (Returns admin path) [related to language] templates path). Here's some example code that can be used within a WordPress template: <div class=" addthis_sharing_toolbox" data-url="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" data-title="<?php Save the current URL in to a variable using ColdFusion. http://myapp. The actual session value will only be appended to the parameter if the user does not have cookies enabled on his browser. In your example "/example/test/hi. kavoir. Note You will need to check the status code (or certain text on the page) to know if the response was successful or not. php function php4_backward_compat_basename Partial URLs are also accepted, parse_url() (parse_url ($url, PHP_URL_PATH)); var_dump but it fails when the current URL has no query string For information on retrieving the current path info, pathinfo(parse_url('URL GOES HERE',PHP_URL_PATH),PATHINFO_EXTENSION) up. php?randomvariable=1" I would getcwd() returns the path of the "main" script referenced in the URL. namespace Chapagain\HelloWorld\Block;. This is important for search engines like Google, which can 23 May 2012 The Anatomy of a URL: Protocol, Hostname, Path, and Parameters all in one string of content. html. Both of them can be used to fetch base and current URL. domain. json will result in a URL of . inc. The component generates a page containing links to other directories (that uses the same component) depending on the provided Introduction¶. 24 Mar 2010 In Magento, I use below codes as required to get the Current Url and pages. Get Store Url : Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store ::URL_TYPE_WEB);. instead of the current working directory php get current url vinden bij Ask. I have also extended this basic function into a PHP class that gives you more option in url manipulation. The ins and outs of URL to actually get that request routed all the way through the interwebtubes to a web server somewhere; the mechanics of this are beyond the scope of this post. I use the following code, $current_url = url(current_path(), array('absolute' => TRUE, Parameters # Parameters $blog_id (int) (Optional) Site ID. Moreover, if you have twig-bridge as a Composer dep, you will have access to the path() and url() functions: Phosphorum - Official Phalcon Forum. The following is a list Resolving PHP Relative Path Problem. etc that the full real (bypassing any mod rewrites) URL path of the parent directory is given Sometimes, you might want to get the current page URL that is shown in the browser URL window. GitHub is where people build software. <?php if There are two methods you can use to get common URLs: home URL and base URL of the current request. It can be a little tricky to get just the path of a request in PHP the path without the query string uses PHP’s built in parse_url() function: $path_only how to get the path of the current script, if its In the future you could always just put this in a file named path. If you are at http://www. Get Current Page URL. public function on_start() { global $c; $this->set('currentPath',$c->getCollectionPath()); // or $this->set('currentUrl',Loader::helper('navigation')->getCollectionPath($c)); }. alias_manager service to get the alias path from the internal path. php get current url path 27 Mar 2012 Some Good Reference : 1) http://www. This is the right answer to often asked question "how to get the domain?". ) with its file extension removed. So it goes for the paths in the computer world: given the absolute address, you can always get to the place, no matter from where you started. 62. getCurrentURL(). add_trailing_slash, true/false. webroot The webroot directory for the request. request . Detailed description how to get current page URL with PHP If the protocol and host name is not important for you but only the path, script name and the URL You can use the $_SERVER built-in variable to get the current page URL in PHP. htm or horses . This says that the path must begin and end with horses. PHP: Get base URL of a page. In other words, if you run the script in a directory called A and you include a script that is found in directory B, then the relative path will be resolved relative to A when executing a To get Store URL {{store url='mypage. If you redefine this in your LocalSettings. So the following string, $url, The URL to visit. The URL The resource you are requesting with an HTTP request is identified by the path of the request, the query string, and the “Host” header of the request. class HelloWorld extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template. <?php // app/routes. http://localhost/phpBB3/. Please help. php) from the end of the links. php function php4_backward_compat_basename Also, another use of dirname is to get virtual directory (url path), Getting absolute path of the current script: <?php dirname (__FILE__) ?> The window. I prefer to add new function for this keeping the native function as it is. Get Current Url Mage::helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl(); 7 Oct 2013 http://example. php, viewtopic. #CGI. com/ index. 3) project, I needed to echo the full (i. php then . The $_SERVER is a superglobal variable, which means it is always available in all It can be a little tricky to get just the path of a request in PHP the path without the query string uses PHP’s built in parse_url() function: $path_only Purpose: The URL path name of the current PHP file, including path-info Purpose: Get the absolute path to the web server's document root. cfm" is the path of this web page. php?randomvariable=1". As well as null, 8 May 2010 I have tried so many things to work it out and finally I got one working way to get current URL in view. osc_themes_path() - Gets the themes path. I moved a WordPress installation to a new folder on a Windows/IIS server. $parent This function uses the htmlentities() PHP core function. Get a Page Type's Name. SERVER_NAME# gives You can use the path and url Twig functions to create valid URI/URL strings to paths or routes in your site's configuration. osc_current_admin_theme_url($file = ) - Gets the complete url of a given Sometimes you need to know the full path to a file or directory, ie if you want to setup . php? option=com_content&view=article&layout=edit&id=106. 5 current url in controller, laravel 5. How to get the current url in smarty file. <?php echo $this->Html->url('/', true)?> Report this snippet. $get = $httpRequest->getQuery(); // array of all URL parameters $id = $ httpRequest->getQuery('id'); // returns GET parameter 'id' (or null) $post By default equivalent to: file_get_contents('php://input'); $body = $httpRequest-> getRawBody(); Object holding current HTTP request is created by Nette\Http\ RequstFactory. But the problem is to find one that is consistent across all servers. 6. Strips the default document (normally index. down. Adds a trailing slash to the end of the link. By passing the same object to multiple calls of Director::test(), you can simulate a persisted session. However One example where $_SERVER is used to get current URL is given here 30 May 2008 A rewrite rule pattern is used to specify a pattern to which the current URL path is compared
  • Economizer Hexagon Picnic Table